Self-published August 2024. Ten flash fiction stories in horror, fantasy and crime. Available on numerous selling websites.
My horror flash fiction story ROTTED WOOD is included in Eidetic Quarterly Issue #1, 2022 by Psycho Toxin Press. www.psychotoxin.com

My flash crime story POLICE CALLS is included in Humans in the Wild: Reactions to a Gun Loving Country by Swallow Publishing by editor-in-chief, Jennifer Russon is now available in both ebook and print edition on Amazon https://www.amazon.com/s?k=Humans+in+the+Wild%3A+Reactions+to+a+Gun+Loving+Country&i=stripbooks-intl-ship&ref=nb_sb_noss .
In association with @MythicPicnic, a call for poetry, short fiction, essays and art yielded a fine collection of pieces exploring our intense feelings and insights on gun violence from authors around the world! Christine J. Whitlock www.cjcpinc.com

The beginning novel excerpt, VAMPIRE DENTIST, based on her indie horror feature film, was in the GROUP HEX, VOL. 1 Anthology by the Horror Writers Association, Ontario.

Her crime flash story WINTER COVER, was published in THE STAND and ANOTHEREALM http://www.anotherealm.com/2020/ar020120.php.

HOSPITAL BIRTH was accepted by Radium Town Press, publisher of Hypnos Magazine, for a 2020 fall publication.

THE BLOOD VIAL ATTACK was published at https://whitecatpublications.com/category/blood-vial-attack/ .